Pacific Harbour



Situated in Pacific Harbour

Covers a total area of 10.29 hectares or 25.43 acres of freehold land.

Property is a part of a major subdivision of agricultural holdings situated in the hills at the back of the Pacific Harbour developments.

Access to the site is through VitilevuDrive (opposite Uprising Resort), which is the main arterial road that runs through the Pacific Harbour Development and Golf Course and links with other roads to the back land that provides the access to the site.

Access from the end of the Pacific Harbour development to the property is approximately 4km through an all-weather gravel-surfaced road. The Queens Highway is situated approximately 7km from the property.

Approximately two thirds (2/3) of the total area of the subject area consists of flat lands whilst the balance area is of hilly lands of moderate to steep slopes

Flat land –6.89 hectares/ 17 acres

Moderate to steep hills –3.40 hectares/ 8 acres

The property is densely covered with rain forest and lush vegetation. It can be best described as being in its virgin state. It is within the wetland zone of the Fiji islands.

The access road runs along the eastern boundary of the property.

The land consists of reddish-brown to black clay loam soils on the flats along the creek. The land is suited to a number of crops but it would be advisable to consult the Department of Agriculture for a soil test to determine the most appropriate and economical crop to cultivate.

All usual services such as water supply, electricity and telephone are not available. But all these are available at the Pacific Harbour residential subdivision which is approximately 4km from the site.

Public transport is available along the Queen’s Highway which is approximately 7km from the site.

Secondary shopping is available at a shop on MakosoiRd which is 7.5km from the site, and all other services are available at the Pacific Harbour Cultural Centre.


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