JR Pte Ltd Agents

Shiva Reddy Sales and Rental Representative

  • Office:330 0727, 999 1111, 707 4500
  • 1 Selbourne Street, The Fiji Club Building, Suva, FIJI

Shiva Reddy has vast knowledge when it comes to dealing with properties in Fiji. He…

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Priya Preetika Kumar Administrative Officer -SUVA Office

  • Mobile:707 4514 , 896 8697
  • Office:330 0727, 999 1111, 707 4500
  • Email:rental@jokhanrealtors.com
  • 1 Selbourne Street, The Fiji Club Building, Suva, FIJI

I am your Suva Admin Officer. Rest assured I will listen to you with an…

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Chris Roxburgh Sales and Rental Representative

  • Mobile:767 3677, 999 9413 , 707 4500 , 992 0505
  • Office:666 6188 , 776 6808
  • Email:chris@jokhanrealtors.com
  • Office No; 8 / 42 Vidilo Street, Lautoka, FIJI

Our friendly agent based in the West has 11 years of experience in the Fiji…

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Reginald R Jokhan Director of Jokhan Realtors Pte Limited

  • Mobile:999 3504 , 707 4504
  • Office:330 0727, 999 1111, 707 4500
  • Email:reginald@jokhanrealtors.com
  • 1 Selbourne Street, The Fiji Club Building, Suva, FIJI

A very approachable person who will assist you to his best ability. As director of…

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Sheikh Ajid Sales and Rental Representative

  • Mobile:707 4512 , 920 8974, 896 8695
  • Office:666 6188, 776 6808, 992 0505
  • Email:sheikh@jokhanrealtors.com
  • Lautoka Office : 8/42 Vidilo Street, Lautoka; / Suva; 104 -106 Brown street, Suva, FIJI

Mr Ajid has vast knowledge of properties and land in Fiji. Being in the education…

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Reginald Jokhan MD - Jokhan Realtors Pte Ltd

  • Mobile:707 4505, 992 0505
  • Office:330 0727, 707 4500, 999 1111
  • Email:suva@jokhanrealtors.com
  • 1 Selbourne Street, The Fiji Club Building, Suva, FIJI

Mr. Reginald Jokhan is the Director of Jokhan Realtors Pte Ltd. He has over 35…

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